NAU is an innovative school, based on a respectful emotional accompaniment and an active, creative and experiential based pedagogy.

It is a private school of Early childhood (3-6 years old), Primary education (6-12 years old), and Secondary education (12-16 years old) located in Palma (Mallorca) and approved by the Conselleria d'Educació i Cultura de les Illes Balears.

NAU Escola is born from a group of people with a common concern and illusion: to create a respectful school of children and their families. A school that accompanies the growth and learning processes of the little ones towards self-confident adults, able to decide, to think, to dialogue, to create, to care for themselves and to care for each other.

We are convinced that education needs a change, just as our society is evolving. People move, society is alive. This is how we understand education: changing and dynamic.

We seek a project of pedagogical and human quality, where awareness and responsibility are met and where children are treated with respect. A project that reaches the objectives set in the curriculum at the end of the stages, in terms of knowledge, procedures, values and competencies, but always respecting the different rhythms, and the experiences of children, as well as their emotions and feelings.

A project that contemplates the school as an extension from home, a warm space where we feel welcomed and safe, with prepared spaces to satisfy their curiosity, enhance their imagination and creativity, where they can learn through playing and a place where they can interact with other children and adults.

To achieve all this, we think that the project does not end when the school finishes, but that NAU must be a learning environment for all: children, families and educators. For this reason, we organize different educational trainings mainly aimed for teachers and other educational members and the families that are part of this project, but also to all those interested in this type of education and who want to approach or deepen into it.


KATIA MARTORELL Director and Founder

Katia holds a Degree in Art History from the UIB, postgraduate and master's degree in cultural management from the UB. Since 2013 she has offered various trainings in alternative pedagogies: Montessori, Pikler, Systemic Pedagogy, Waldorf... highlighting the initiation and follow-up courses of the CAIEV of Barcelona in “Educació viva”. She has worked for 7 years as a high school teacher at a school in Palma. She has also been an educator and cultural manager in different cultural entities in Palma and from 2006 to 2015 she was the coordinator of the educational department of the Pilar i Joan Miró Foundation in Mallorca. In 2013 she founded NAU Escola along with other members, and since then, she coordinates the primary level and co-directs the school.

CRISTINA VERGER Pedagogical co-director and Founder

Cristina holds a Degree in Art History from the UIB, and trained in graphic design and editorial design. Since 2013 she has offered various trainings in alternative pedagogies: Montessori, Pikler, Systemic Pedagogy, Waldorf... particularly highlighting the initiation and monitoring courses of the CAIEV of Barcelona in “Educació viva” For the past ten years she has combined cultural management, design and communication and non-regulated training for adults. In 2013 she founded NAU Escola along with other members and since then she coordinates the primary level and co-directs the school.

LLUC CARDELL Pedagogical coordinator and Founder

Lluc holds a degree in Children's Education from the UIB. She has worked in different schools, serving as a group tutor and also as a support teacher. Among her training we must highlight different pedagogical days pointing out different topics such as “motivation as an educational tool” and “work by spaces in children's education”. She has completed several courses in active mathematics, “the role of the tutor and his task to the classroom”, living education and Montessori materials. In 2013 she founded NAU Escola along with other members, and since then she co-directs and coordinates the Early Childhood education level.

MARIONA SANTANDREU Primary, Languages and Social Studies Teacher

She has been part of the team since 2015. Mariona holds a Diploma in Primary Education with special needs education and in speech therapy, and she is also trained in “Educació viva” by CAIEV, in White Pedagogy and other alternative pedagogies. She has developed her teaching experience in Catalonia both in private and public centers.

ESTHER SÁNCHEZ Early childhood and maths Studies Teacher

She has been part of the team since 2015. She holds a degree in psycho-pedagogy and a diploma in early childhood education. Trained in "Educación Viva” with CAIEV, in “Pedagogía dinámica e innovación educativa” with Edu-K, in “Diseño y trabajo por ambientes desde una pedagogía consciente” with Es NIU and in Systemic Pedagogy with Instituto Gestalt. She has accumulated years of experience as a teacher in different early childhood education centers where she has held the positions of educator, tutor, pedagogical director...

JUDIT AMER Early childhood and English Teacher

She has joined the teaching team as a reference in English in children's education since 2017, although she is part of the project since the very beginning, first as a mother and then as a lunch educator. She has completed two years of Social Education at the UIB and the first years of English philology at UAB. She has lived and worked for three years at Oxford to consolidate her English, she is also trained in “Educació viva” by CAIEV. Also, in “Self-taught Learning” and other alternative pedagogies. She is also a yoga instructor.

BELÉN CACHINERO Primary, Maths and Social Studies Teacher

She has been part of the team since 2017. She holds a Master's Degree specialised in Special Education from the University of Huelva. She has completed three years of Pedagogy Degree and a higher university course in “Active Education and Respectful Accompaniment in Children” taught by La Violeta. She is currently being trained in “Educació viva” with CAIEV.

TRINI CAMPILLO Canteen coordinator and administrative

With a degree in pedagogy from the UIB, she joined the center in 2021 as support for administrative tasks and coordinator of the dining room accompaniment. Trained in Educación Viva with CAIEV.
She has worked in the field of communication, as a training technician in the design of training, informative and informative projects and as a manager and training coordinator for different entities on the island.

MAR VADELL Primary, Languages and Social Studies Teacher

Graduate in Teaching from the UIB. She has worked as an educator in many educational centres, always with a respectful approach.
She has been part of the project since 2015 as a Nau Family, since she has two daughters who are pupils at the centre and since 2019 also as a support teacher.
She has trained teachers at Nau Escola on emotional accompaniment, autonomous learning and guided activity, art education and neurophysiological and psychoanalytical bases of living education and has also trained in manipulative mathematics with the Edu-k Association.

CARLOS FARRÉS Psychological Advisor and Founder

Carlos holds a Degree in Psychology from the Central University of Barcelona, specialist in clinical psychology and psychoanalyst trained in Madrid and Paris. Founding member of several psychoanalytic associations such as Structure (Zaragoza), Association of Psychoanalytic Studies of Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), European Foundation for Psychoanalysis (Paris) and Praxis: School of Psychoanalysis (Madrid).

He has been the co-director of the book collection "Diván el Terrible" of Biblioteca Nueva (Madrid) and from 2002 to 2014 he was a collaborating professor of the postgraduate courses of Human Resources of the Escuela Superior de Administración y de Barcelona. Since 1992 he has regularly been teaching psychoanalytic theory seminars in Palma and Maó and for thirty years he has been engaged in private clinical practice in his psychoanalysis consultation. He is also currently a member of the Resources Committee of the Ethics Commission of the Official College of Psychologists of the Balearic Islands. In 2013 he founded NAU Escola along with other members, and since then co-directs the project and offers advice and training to the teaching team and the community of the families.

DIEGO D'INTINO Manager and Founder

Diego is trained in Fine Arts by the National School of Fine Arts in Uruguay, he has supplemented his specialization in photography with graphic and editorial design, working as an autonomous person in this field since 2005. At the same time, he has been part of the teaching team of the School of Art and Design of the Mediterranean for students of training and adult cycles. In 2013 he founded NAU Escola along with other members, and since then he co-directs the school.

MAR BARCELÓ Artistic educator and Founder

Mar holds a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona. She has completed different art education courses both in Barcelona and Palma and has worked as a teacher of visual and plastic arts in secondary education and high school in a school in Palma. She has also worked as an art educator in different contemporary art museums such as Es Baluard and the Pilar and Joan Miró Foundation. Since 2015 she has been working on cultural projects with the Sa Galania collective, of which she is the founder. Since 2013 she has been working as an art educator in primary and secondary schools.

JESSICA NEVADO Early childhood and Languages Teacher

She has been part of the team since 2015. Graduated in teaching of children's education, she has a postgraduate degree in psychomotor skills from the UB, years of experience in different centers of Barcelona and has completed different trainings in alternative pedagogies, highlighting the training in Viva Education of the CAIEV and several courses with the Rosa Sensat association.

AINA BONET Primary, Maths and Music Teacher

She has been part of the team since 2016. She is graduated in Primary Education specialised in Music and Artistic Education from CESAG. She has completed the annual training "Design and work by environments from a conscious pedagogy" with Es Niu Association and currently being trained in “Educació viva” with CAIEV.

RUBÉN GIMENO Primary, Maths and Social Studies Teacher

He became part of our team in 2020. He got his University Degree in Teacher Studies, specializing in Therapeutical Pedagogy at the University of Valencia. He also has a Certificate in Higher Studies in Audiovisuals. He speaks three languages: spanish, català and english.
He expanded his teacher training with several courses, such as: “learning by doing maths”, “mutliple intelligences”, “project based learning” and “tutorial action planning”. He also developed his own projects in innovative education in his previous school.

ALBA MARTÍNEZ Early childhood and Natural Studies Teacher

She started at Nau in 2020 doing her internship in Educación Viva with Caiev, since 2021 she has been accompanying the infant stage. She holds a degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Oviedo. She has completed courses in First Aid, Waldorf, respectful education and living education.

MARIVÍ PERIS Primary, Languages and Natural Studies Teacher

She is a primary education teacher from the Universitat de València, with a postgraduate degree in educational innovation and more than 15 years of experience as an infant and primary education teacher in several schools in València. She also has training in manipulative mathematics, project-based learning, cyberbullying and neurodidactics among others.

NÚRIA CARRERAS Primary, músic and Math's Studies Teacher

She did her internship at Nau during the 2020-2021 school year and has been part of the team since September 2021. She has a degree in early childhood and primary education with a specialisation in music education from CESAG. She has been trained in respectful pedagogy with the course of Design and Creation of educational spaces and is trained in living education by the CAIEV. She has also completed an intensive course in Yoga to Educate and is currently studying for a master's degree specialising in emotional competencies.

MAR RODRÍGUEZ Secondary, Spanish Language Teacher

She has a degree in Hispanic philology from the University of Salamanca, a certificate of pedagogical aptitude from the University of Granada, a master's degree in documentary filmmaking in digital format, and is also a photographer and audiovisual reporter. She has many years of experience as a teacher in different places such as Mallorca, Barcelona, Bolivia, India, Morocco, Granada...


Here it is a compilation of some bibliographical references that have been an inspiration for us.

ACASO, Maria. El aprendizaje de lo inesperado

FREINET, C. Les méthodes naturelles dans la pédagogie moderne, París, Bourrelier.

FREIRE, Paulo. L’educació com pràctica de llibertat

FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia de l’oprimit

GARDNER, Howard. Educación artística y desarrollo humano

GARDNER, Howard. Estructuras de la mente. La teoría de las inteligencias múltiples

HELLINGER, BertMirar al alma de los niños

HELLINGER, BertOrdenes del amor: cursos seleccionados de Bert Hellinger

HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. Educación y cultura visual

HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. Organización del curriculo por proyectos de trabajo

JUUL, Jesper. Su hijo, una persona competente. Hacia los nuevos valores básicos de la familia Ed Herder, 1995

JUUL, Jesper. Agresión: ¿Un nuevo y peligroso tabú?

MALAGUZZI, Loris. Los cien lenguajes del niño

MATURANA i F. VARELA. El árbol del conocimiento. Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria 2002.

MATURANA. El sentido de lo humano. Santiago de Chile: J.C. Sáez 2003.

MONTESSORI, Maria. El método de la pedagogía cinetífica: aplicado a la educación de la infancia. Biblioteca Nueva, 2003

PIAGET, Jean. La formación del simbolo en el niño.

PIAGET, Jean. El criterio moral del niño. Editorial Fontanella

PIAGET, Jean. Psicologia de la inteligencia. Editorial Psique

PIAGET, Jean. El desarrollo de la noción de tiempo en el niño.

PIAGET, Jean. Psicologia del niño. Ediciones Morata

PIAGET, Jean. La representación del mundo en el niño. Ediciones Morata

PIAGET, Jean. La toma de conciencia. Ediciones Morata

PIKLER, Emmy. Moverse en libertad. Desarrollo de la psicomotricidad global. Madrid: Narcea 2000.

RECALCATI, Massimo. El complejo de Telémaco. Anagrama 2014

ROBINSON, Ken. El elemento. Ed. De bolsillo 2011

ROBINSON, Ken. Escuelas crativas. Grijalbo 2015

TONUCCI, Francesco. Queridos padres. Grao 2004

VECHI, Vea. La creatividad en las escuelas de Reggio Emilia

WILD, Rebecca i WILD, Mauricio. Educar para ser. Vivencias de una escuela activa. Barcelona: Herder 1999.

WILD, Rebecca i WILD, Mauricio. Calidad de vida. Educación y respeto para el crecimiento interior de niños y adolescentesBarcelona: Herder 2003.

WILD, Rebecca i WILD, Mauricio. Educar para ser. Una respuesta frente a la crisis. Fundación Educativa Pestalozzi: Quito.

WILD, Rebecca i WILD, Mauricio. Libertad y límites, amor y respeto. Lo que los niños necesitan de nosotros. Barcelona: Herder 2006.

WILD, Rebecca i WILD, Mauricio. Aprender a convivir con niños. Ser para educar. Barcelona: Herder 2007.

WILD, Rebecca i WILD, Mauricio. La vida en una escuela no-directiva. Diálogos entre jóvenes y adultos. Barcelona: Herder 2009.

WINICOT, D.W. Realidad y juego. Ed Gedisa

WINICOTT, D.W. Conozca a su niño. Ed Paidós